KL, with co-counsel Michael Galpern, has sued filed a major class action against JUUL for misleadingly selling JUUL vaping e-cigarettes as safe.
With the Wurgaft firm in New Jersey, Klafter Lesser has filed a class action lawsuit against electronic cigarette manufacturer JUUL yesterday on behalf of all New Jersey residents for JUUL’s fraudulent and unlawful marketing and advertising campaign. The Complaint alleges that JUUL:
Falsely claimed that its products are safer than conventional cigarettes.
Specifically targeted minors and new users through social media advertising campaigns that portrayed themes that resonated with young adults and adolescents.
Failed to include warning labels indicating that its products contain nicotine until forced to do so three years after being on the market.
KL has also filed another four lawsuits on behalf of other and injured victims of JUUL’s deceptive and misleading advertising scheme and is preparing more for filing. Contact us for more information. https://klafterlesser.com/contact-us/